The awesome Wyoming landscapes and wildlife.









Is Wyoming awesome or what? I haven’t spent a whole lot of time in Wyoming, but I have taken advantage of every moment.

I was lucky enough to spend an entire day traveling around the Grand Teton National Park to capture photos of the awesome Wyoming landscapes and some wildlife.

Starting at 3am we went to Schwabacher Landing to catch the phases of the sunrise. The great thing about being outdoors is that I didn’t need to bring any external lighting equipment. All I used was the big yellow sun! I did have to bring a tripod because I needed to have a long exposure to catch the faint raise of the sun rise.  I had a 2 second exposure and this also allowed me to put my F-stop up to 22 so I could get the entire image in focus.

Since we went traveling all day I was able to get all sorts of lighting.  I had my friend Hayden Nielsen help me choose which photos had the best lighting.  The photos before sunrise definitely have a different tone than the ones after.

I found an awesome Teton landscape photographer named Chris Phillips.  Check out his work for some really incredible work!