
Packaged Product Photography


Unbreakable Bond Perfume


Beats Headphones


Bearglove: Old Spice Body Wash


Unbreakable Bond Perfume


Beats Headphones

Packaged product photography is great because your subject doesn’t move and is does get moldy! I really enjoyed using a soft box with continuous LED lights to get smooth lighting on the perfume box.  For the Beats headphones photos I used a speed light and did a technique I learned from Caryn Esplin called snooting to get the light flash on a particular spot.

I used a lot of Photoshop on these images because I wanted to get unique shots of the same products. I love being able to take an ordinary image and make extraordinary by adding color and changing the lighting. My roommate Kerry Anne helped me to simplify some of my designs so that they were still unique, but captured packaged products effectively.

Artistic Impressions Photography has a great blog post about product photography as well, not as cool as my packaged product photography, but still cool.