Accessories Fashion Shoot

Accessories Fashion Shoot

Glamor, Sparkle, Style, and Shine Accessories Fashion Shoot at Egin Lake, Idaho Who knew style could be so stylish? I love taking accessory shots because you don’t have to worry about a watch blinking or a ring sneezing.  I like to be in control of my photo...
Men’s Fashion Shoot

Men’s Fashion Shoot

Suave, Charismatic, and Charming Men Men’s Fashion Shoot Men are funny because they will never ask you to do a fashion shoot with them, even though they all secretly want one.  When I was looking for models for this shoot, I was surprised at how many guys really...
Women’s Fashion Shoot

Women’s Fashion Shoot

Style, Fashion, Women, and Class Women’s Fashion Shoot Fashion shoots are full of energy and excitement.  I love being in control of my situation and using my creativity to max.  This fashion shoot was all done in the St. Anthony, Idaho area.  We went out to...
Group Portraits

Group Portraits

Group Portrait Photography Posing groups of random people… Sometimes you get a group of friends together and you shoot them. With a camera.  Groups are interesting to shoot because you get all sorts of body types and personalities in one photo. For outside...
Senior Portraits: The Boys

Senior Portraits: The Boys

Graduating senior portraits of boys and men. Posing ideas and good lighting. Boys are very different to pose from girls.  I always feel more limited with men, but I just have to use a different side of my creativity and try to put myself in the shoes of a guy.  Maybe...
Senior Portraits: The Girls

Senior Portraits: The Girls

Portraits: Graduating senior girls photography and posing. It is so fun to get together with other photographers and practice posing and getting good senior portraits. My classmates and I got together and we took graduate senior photos.  Here are a few of the photos I...