Caricature Portrait



Original Image

What a fun project! I have never tried to make my portrait into a caricature and it was a blast! I love doing creative photography and this little project let me go crazy. My hair has always been a defining feature and I worked to make it really big and awesome.  I added the hearts by creating animations in Photoshop.  This was a new technique and it was exciting to learn features I didn’t know Photoshop was capable of.

As for camera settings I mainly used a tripod, natural sunlight, and an aperture of F/5.6 so that I would stand out a little better from the background.  I didn’t want to get and incredible start image because I wanted to have a more dramatic transformation.  I used Photoshop to  change the lighting and I used the liquify tool A LOT.  It was fun to go crazy and use all of the features I can’t normally work with.

Check out more caricature portraits at:

Deviant Art

Deviant Art