I love working with Typography and photographs. I really think that type and a little design can add so much to a photograph. I actually used Illustrator to create most of these images. To get the words to show the background behind, I would create clipping masks of the text and combine it with the photos. For some of the text I would use a lighter or darker version of the photograph with the clipping mask so that the words would pop better.

A lot of my inspiration came from searching things on the internet and using Pinterest.  I love seeing cool designs and trying to mimic them or giving them my own twist.

Fine Art Template Image Body: Norwester - Sans seif Body: Sunshine In My Soul - Script

Body: Norwester – Sans serif
Body: Sunshine In My Soul – Script


COURAGE: Title & Body copy: Norwester – Sans serif


WORDS: Title & Body copy: Century Gothic Bold – Sans serif

BELIEVE: Title - Century Gothic - Sans serif

BELIEVE: Title – Century Gothic – Sans serif