Brochure Design

Brochure Design

Superior Physical Therapy

Superior Physical Therapy Brochure - Lindsey LeFevre Design

Superior Physical Therapy is located in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Through a friend, I was hired to design a brochure / pamphlet for them. I was given all of the content from two brochures, along with the logo, and asked to combine them. I was in charge of creating an appealing layout that fit the branding of the company.

I fused and Adobe Illustrator and made sure to use repetition with the deep red, monochromatic color scheme. Then, all of the images I pulled from Unsplash is a free photo site – you can literally do whatever you want with them. I love this site because the photos are very professional and are at a high resolution. I found photos that fit the message of the brochure and would work as good placeholders until Superior Physical Therapy could get me their own photos.

This is a multiple-page brochure that talks about the programs offered at Superior Physical Therapy. Their target audience are those out in the work field. Every job can be hard on your body and this brochure helps you to see how physical therapy can help you to be a better worker.

Superior Physical Therapy Brochure - Lindsey LeFevre Design

Superior Physical Therapy Brochure - Lindsey LeFevre Design

Alternate Cover Photo

All pages

Superior Physical Therapy Brochure - Lindsey LeFevre Design

Front & Back


Superior Physical Therapy Brochure - Lindsey LeFevre Design

Pages 1-2


Superior Physical Therapy Brochure - Lindsey LeFevre Design

Pages 3-4


Superior Physical Therapy Brochure - Lindsey LeFevre Design

Pages 5-6



Posted on

February 21, 2018

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