The Disney Princess Collection
Designed and created by Andrea Vance:
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping beauty
Snow White
Snow White
I have an incredible friend who is a fashion designer! Some day she’s going to be famous and everyone will be jealous that we’re so tight. Andrea Vance and I met in England, but now we are great friends in Idaho. Andrea designed this fashion line at BYU-Idaho for an apparel design class. The dresses are Disney princess themed.
The weather was actually horrible when we took these photos. It was cold, snowing and the wind was blowing. I worried that we wouldn’t find a good place to take the photos, but fortunately I found this stairwell on the BYU-Idaho campus. The stormy day created great lighting and I was pleasantly surprised at how great the photos turned out.
Anyways, if you ever need a custom dress or alterations let me know! I have connections with an incredibly talented and aspiring fashion designer.
Fashion Week Posters & Billboard
I also designed the posters and a billboard for the fashion show. It was difficult working around all of the school’s regulations, but in the end they turned out alright, if I do say so. All of the images for the posters were taken from